Thursday, September 13, 2012

Archosaurs & Automata Art Show IndieGoGo Campaign

Hello, dear readers! Scott Elyard and I have been working on a follow-up show to our successful "Dinosaurs and Robots" exhibition last October, to be held at the same venue (Modern Dwellers Chocolate Lounge in midtown Anchorage) entitled "Archosaurs and Automata". Some of the works in progress you see on my previous blog posts will be displayed at the show, as well as some other pictures that Scott and I are working on.

However, being that we moved not too long after the original "D&R" show from Anchorage, to Homer, AK, which is 250 miles to the south, things are a bit more complicated. That's why we've put together an IndieGoGo campaign to help pay for travel expenses, materials, and printing costs.

Click here to donate to our show!
For your contribution, we are offering several levels of perks - from "hey, I found this fiver in my blazer I wore at my brother's bar mitzvah", to "Holy cow, you must _really_ like dinosaurs." Everyone who contributes, regardless of amount, will be honored at our show on a list of donors, and will also receive a hand-written "Thank You" postcard from Scott and myself.

This is our first attempt at this crowdsourcing thingy, and regardless of whether or not we reach our $1000 goal, all proceeds go towards making the show a reality.

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