Presenting the wrinkled hornbill, an bird with some pretty impressive headgear all his own, slightly reminicent of the Tapejara species...although nothing quite as spectacular as T. imperator.
This "little" guy (slightly larger than your average Alaskan corvid) lives in the rainforests of Indonesia and Malaysia. The coloration is spectacular and I am drooling at the thought of adorning my T. imperator picture with the same splendid hues. However, I get the little voice in my head about how those beautiful colors might not be applicable to what was essentially a scrubland/plains pterosaur (after perusing Mark W.'s Flickr site, I read up on his research - good stuff!)

Still, I think I might tell that voice to get bent, scientific accuracy be damned!
Honestly - how can you say "no" to a pretty face like that?
Dooo it!
Truth be told, these are more like guidelines than actual rules, and if you wish to depict Tapejara with jungle colors, put it down to phenotypic variation.
I'm not a color Nazi, obviously.
(Although the very idea of a color Nazi is both peculiar and possibly amusing.)
Hell, I'm giving my Dimorphodon puffin colors, even though it wasn't a "seabird." Although I'm tempted now to restore the new horned pterosaur, Raeticodactlyus. Hmmm...
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